Friday, November 28, 2008

I usually buy low-fat yogurt. I usually buy the low-fat/low-cal/low-sodium/low-whatever version of everything just because well, we all can spare some fat/cals/sodium/whatever.

However, this week I was looking for a new flavour of yogourt and I went for plum & walnut. It's only yesterday, after having my first spoonful that I realized it was 8,3% m.f.

Let me tell you, fat sure tastes good!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Je vous dis que s'il n'était pas à ce point anti-éthique de raconter sur le net les ostis de niaiseries qu'il se passe au bureau parfois, je pourrais vous en compter des belles.

Laissez-moi seulement vous dire que je formule ma première plainte auprès de la gestion dans quelques minutes. Tabarnak.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mel, tu pourras aller voir le commentaire de Virtualogik sur le post ci-dessous pour une explication sensée concernant les dons de sang et les demi-portions comme moi. Ça ressemble beaucoup à ce qu'on avait déduit, mais quand même.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Did you know that, according to Canadian Blood Services, you need to weigh over 110 lbs to give blood?

Mel and I learned that surfing the net the other night. (OK, it was during class. So sue us.)

I was taken aback because that would mean I can't give blood. Not that I ever wanted to - I know it makes me a horrible, selfish person, but last time I went to have blood tests, getting the needle into my vein was a nightmare: I spent like half a hour there, a second nurse came over to help the first one, they stuck said needle in two different spots on each of my arms, then it two different spots on each of my hands, then all over again, and they finally succeeded by having me stick my hand under hot water for a few seconds and then lie on a bench with my hand hanging down.... This is the last time I ever went for blood testing, and well, you can understand why willingly re-living that sort of thing wouldn't appeal to me all that much. So I never gave blood. But to learn that I couldn't?

Mel had a question about a health condition she has, so she e-mailed Candian Blood Services, and took the opportunity to ask what the reason for that 110 lbs limit was. The only answer we got is the nurses will take other factors into account in order to determine whether a person weighing less than 110 lbs can give blood...

I'm troubled.